Saturday, June 22, 2013

Still here. Mostly

Someday I will empty my camera's memory card, and then post a few here. Like I've been meaning to do. Since March.

Otherwise, I am almost finished with HP scarf #4. It isn't my fault that Gryffindor colors are very close to maroon and saffron.

I'm heading off to Austin for a few days next week. My first time flying in robes. (blech, airport security). And then busing to upstate NY for the Palyul summer retreat.  HH Karma Kuchen Rinpoche is scheduled to be there this year. I am super excited to see him again.
Him, and all my dharma brothers and sisters.

Today around 5 o'clock I took a break from my cushion and sat in a coffee shop to work on a transliteration project I need to finish up before I leave and I thought that a decaf coffee wouldn't be too bad. I finished about half of a small cup, and now, at 2am, I have decided that it was a Very Bad Idea.